Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The return of Sylvie

It is official, Sylvie my gorgeous SV650S bike will return to me tomorrow, after all of these weeks she will be back home where she deserves to be. Sadly all is not well, I have been informed that her rear light is faulty and needs to be replaced.

However, it is not a blown light bulb, nothing so easy. It is solid state electronics and ultra bright L.E.D.s, or Light Emitting Diodes in case you didn't know. These are Surface mounted items and are regulated by a pile of resistors all sat about doing sweet FA.

So, I have ordered a pile of new resistors and shall ensure that I sit in the garage with my soldering iron trying not to bugger up her lights anymore.

She has been repaired and rebuilt by a company called Plantec and to be honest, I cannot wait for her to be back with me. I shall update you as to how well she was fixed once I have seen her.

Anyway, today is my (Jayne) birthday and I am sat in Bed, feeling rotten with a nasty cold and sore throat. Typical. Luckily, my sister and my niece are driving here as we speak to cheer me up. What could be better than an afternoon spent with my niece? Not much at all.

We do need to teach her how to ride a bike though, bless her.