Sunday, 31 March 2013

The truth is out there

As many of you will know, Weston's Grand Pier burned down a couple of years ago and the cause of the fire had local people gossiping. Well Carol and Rich found footage of what caused it to happen.

You saw it here first folks. 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Death Trap Mk III The Movie

Well, you could say that it works, the grin factor alone is worth all of the confused looks I get while riding the thing. So here she is in all of her splendor. Death Trap Mk III.

I owe a huge debt of thanks to the man who welded the frame, Biker Rock Radio's Mr G. Nothing has snapped yet despite crashing it up curbs and through potholes. So if he can weld up something that I can't break, you know that he is good.

If you like the music, then check out the bands who provided it. Both pieces of music just fitted so well with the project.

The first song I believe in Anarchy is by a very good Punk Band called the Tantrums, who we are lucky enough to know a couple of the guys from. You have to love the anarchic spirit of the music, just as you have to love the anarchic way we built this mad machine.

The second piece of music, Fools is by multi-instrumentalist Chris Walker and believe it or not he plays every instrument you hear in the piece. Not only that but he writes the music too. They guy is seriously talented.

The Tantrums

Chris Walker 

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

WTF! Two wheels, pedals and a sun lounger!

There is a time when art and engineering combine into making a beautiful machine and then there are times when humour and engineering combine to make something that just forces the artists to laugh!

Firstly before we get into this story there are a couple of people I need to mention. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Biker Rock Radio DJ and fabulous Welder, Mr G. It was Mr G who has spent several hours of his time making this ludicrous machine for me. I also owe a debt of thanks to our friend Wayne who made the frame for Death Trap Mark One, a frame that sadly caused me to crash on the first ride!

So ladies and gentlemen, I now present Death Trap Mark Three!

It lives, my creation lives!
It even goes up hill!
The science behind this is simple; a recumbent bicycle is a very efficient way of propelling a human being around under their own power. They are more aerodynamic than a conventional bike and when covered with a full fairing can speed along at some very impressive speeds for a pedal powered machine. However you wont see that many of them in the mainstream for two reasons. Firstly learning how to ride one of these takes some doing and secondly, the officials who run cycle racing banned them from competitive use!

This machine is my attempt to get back into cycling because following some pretty heavy duty medical treatment, I am no longer able to ride my precious mountain bike as much as I would like. Because of this lack of cycling I have been stuck on motorbikes (which I love) or being a pedestrian (which I really do not enjoy).

We still have a couple of small issue to sort out, the front wheel has a speed wobble that makes the whole bike feel terribly unstable on sweeping corners and my cheap trainers slip off the pedals really badly. However, riding it is a riot and had me in fits of giggles. 

Going down hill!

Gareth the builder having a go.
Getting started is the hardest bit.
Death Trap Mark Three is on the road folks, so look out for us!

A list of thanks to the people who have helped by providing old bikes that I can chop up for spares.

Gareth the Welder.

Wayne the Motorcycle engineer.

Alex for giving me his push bike.

Pete at Bicycle Chain.

Steve and Sue at Bridge Motor Works.

Various People who have donated bikes.

Carol for ferrying me about to pick up bits and for bringing the bike home on top of her car.

"This is easy!" Two seconds before she fell off.

If anyone would like any welding work doing, Gareth is available and can weld almost anything. Do get in touch and I can pass his details on.