Blah blah blah… Inspiration, you were once my friend, but now you are but a distant memory. What inspires me to write is a need to put words on paper, I have been like this since a child and it is only now that I consider my writing to be my craft. Some paint pictures, some sculpt and I write.
So to inspiration, I am currently chasing inspiration and have found a thing that is likely to inspire me to write every day. Travel diaries have a way of making the adventure more real as the tiny details of what made the trip can be remembered via the media of words on a page. The urge to travel is once again filling my soul, the idea of loading up my back pack and climbing aboard a ship or plane is almost intoxicating.
Welcome back inspiration, thanks for the idea, but how do I go about doing this? Well Carol and I have a plan and if it works we may well be updating you from foreign shores as we travel together in another country for the first time. The way this is working is that Carol has given up her daily grind of work in order to pursue the dream of the itchy footed global traveler and me as scribe will hang onto her coat tails recording the adventure.
I wont say yet where we are trying to get to, but rest assured if it does work out, the stories we tell should be interesting. For me, as long as I get to spend my fortieth birthday somewhere other than the UK, I really don't mind where we go. Yes, I turn forty this year. Who ever thought that I would make it to forty? When I was twenty forty felt old. Now I am forty, I feel... old actually. Old, worn out and in need of sleep almost constantly. Having two vibrant young people hanging about the flat certainly does not help with my enthusiasm for youth, when I am reminded on an almost daily basis of just how old and wrinkled I am when I am faced by the fresh faces beauty of a young woman not yet in her twenties.
So curious adventurers, watch this space. We could be about to embark on the curious adventure of a life time.